Workshop "Complex Geometry and Lie Groups"

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The 4th Workshop “Complex Geometry and Lie Groups”

2024.07.06  Workshop


under construction

Workshop Organizers

Anna Fino Ryushi Goto Keizo Hasegawa
Jun-ichi Matsuzawa    

Plenary Speakers

Takao Akahori
(University of Hyogo)
Roger Bielawski
(Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Gueo Grantcharov
(Florida International University)
Marco Gualtieri
(University of Toronto)
Hisashi Kasuya
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Ryoichi Kobayashi
(Nagoya University)
Claude LeBrun
(University of New York, Stony Brook)
Katrin Leschke
(University of Leicester)
Toshiki Mabuchi
(Osaka University)
Massimiliano Pontecorvo
(Università di Roma Tre)
Sönke Rollenske
(University of Marburg)
Yusuke Sakane
(Osaka University)
Jeff Streets
(University of California, Irvine)
Luigi Vezzoni
(University of Torino)

Research Speakers

Masanori Adachi
(Tokyo University of Science)
Daniele Angella
(Università di Firenze)
Leonardo Biliotti
(Università di Parma)
Xing Dong
(Nagoya University)
Kenta Hayano
(Hokkaido University)
Hassan Jolany
(University of Lille1)
Casey Kelleher
(University of California, Irvine)
Shinichiroh Matsuo
(Osaka University)
Katsuhito Moriya
(Tsukuba University)
Shinnosuke Okawa
(Osaka University)
Alessandro Ottazzi
(University of Sydney)
Daisuke Tarama
(Kyoto University)


Nara-Osaka, 22-26 March 2016

Program and Abstracts

The first session starts on Tuesday morning, March 22, and ends in Saturday afternoon, March 26, 2016.

List of Participants


Please fill the registration form. The deadline for the registration is March 1, 2016. If you would like to propose a talk, please write the title and abstract in the registration form. The deadline for submission of talks is February 1, 2016.

For contact, e-mail to one of the organizers:;;;


The workshop will be held at Nara Woman’s University, Nara, Japan.

For Access Map: Nara Woman’s University


Hotel Nikko Nara****
Hotel Fujita Nara****
Super Hotel Lohas JR Nara Eki***
Hotel Asyl Nara***
Washington Hotel Plaza***

We have some rooms at hotels in Nara kept for the workshop.
In case someone has difficulty finding hotels in Nara, we can arrange rooms for participants.

With the support of

JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No. 25400066, K. Hasegawa)

JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No. 30252571, R. Goto)

Dipartimento di Matematica “G. Peano”, Università di Torino (A. Fino)